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Amazing Prayer = Progress for David

I am in tears right now. The Lord has been so faithful to me, that it takes my breath away. All I can say is that prayer to the Almighty God through a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ works! The most recent prayer that God has chosen to answer for me is this one "Lord, give me wisdom in deciding the right communication choice for David and please help him to be able to communicate" . And here is how he answered it. I have been praying frequently that God would make it clear what I needed to do for David. Sign language w/speech as an adjunct or pursuing oral/auditory communication without sign. Last week David had an audiology appt and a ENT appointment. Both professionals told me that David has a wonderful voice and he will speak! The ENT is going to surgically put in 2 tubes which will increase his hearing a wee bit. The Aud told me "this boy will talk". This last week David had 2 Speech related appointments back to back. At the first appointment I was greatly encouraged by the ST who praised Davids ability to imitate syllables. The next appointment was disappointing, and confusing, but afterwards at the market a woman approached me. She excused herself for intruding but asked me where David was getting his services. I shrugged my shoulders, because he is not really settled into one place right now. She then told me that her husband is on the board at John Tracy Clinic (which is a wonderful oral institute) and that she couldn't help but notice what a beautiful sounding voice David had. "He is going to be successful in speech" she said. Wow, that was encouraging. Who put that woman on my path that day? What are the chances that she would be there when I needed to hear those words? Yesterday he had an assessment for LAUSD with a speech therapist. She went on and on and how impressed she was at how far David had come in one year. She said things like "I work for years trying to get the voice quality he has with some of my students." "His voice doesn't even sound deaf. He sounds like one of his hearing peers." WOW, what another encouragement. And I so needed that encouragement because I often doubt what is best for him. In my quiet time (the time in the morning when I turn my heart toward God and He shows me what He is doing in my life) the Lord connected all the dots for me.

  • He was giving me the wisdom I was asking for and confirming the choice to pursue an oral approach.

  • He reminded me of all the encouragement He has given me over the past month and brought to mind all the ways He was confirming our choice

  • He reminded me that He loves me and wants my heart to be encouraged at what He is doing in our lives

  • He showed me that He is answering my pleas for David to one day hear, understand and embrace the Gospel
I praise the Lord my God. For He is faithful even when I am faithless. And I anxiously await the answering of another prayer of my heart for David: That David will be a man after God's own heart...


  1. Praise God!

    He does have a beautiful voice- maybe that was partly why it took so long to notice his hearing problems.

    He's such a remarkable person- as are you!


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