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Kayla, Maddie and I are reading a book called, well, you can see in the picture what it is called. It is so good! Maddie in the past has had a problem with doing hard things. If I had a nickel for every time she said "It's too hard!", well I would be about 10.00 richer! This book has challenged them to rise to the occasion and do what is hard. It has challenged me to raise my expectations for them and not listen to the little nagging guilty voice in my head that tells me 'they are only kids, what do you expect?'. It has also got me to thinking about my part in providing them with hard things to do!!!!! Some thoughts off the cuff are:
  • volunteering at Children's hunger fund on a regular basis
  • street witnessing
  • babysitting for free for our sick neighbor
  • the jr. lifeguard program at Hanson Dam (next summer~ if the Lord provides 650.00 for them both to do it!)
  • Mission Trips with our church
  • ?????????
On a smaller scale I am having them(K, M, D & A) do things like:
  • Make phone calls to dr.s offices
  • wash, dry and put away their meal time dishes every time they eat
  • pull weeds in the backyard with a happy heart
  • cooking from recipes and cleaning up completely
  • Asking people what time it is~Allison
  • Looking people in the eyes when they speak to them and responding with a Yes, Mrs. so and so when they are given instructions
I want to teach them how to have conversations with adults and am open to any ideas on this or any other suggestions you might have. I am especially thinking Kayla is ready to have some kind of summer internship somewhere. Let me know if you can think of anything that might be an option for her. Okay, what is hard for me now is falling asleep. So off I go. "Do hard things, Do hard things!" 1 Cor 9:27 but I discipline my body and make it my slave, so that, after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified.


  1. My 13 year old son has just read this and calls it the best book he ever read... we plan to read it again next time as a family... as
    soon as we finish Mistaken Identity.
    Thank God for good books... and for your posting your own resolve as a parent. I can't wait to read the book myself!


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