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Well, it is official. This blog rocks! I cannot contain the amounts of requests given to continue journaling my mundane wanderings! (wink, wink~ Amy)
As you can see to the left, Nacho Libre rocks too! This drawing is courtesy of Allison Petta age 5.
So what is new with us. Well, Kayla, Maddie and I have faithfully read our bible in a year reading every day so far this year. WOO HOO! It feels so good to be disciplined in this area of our lives and even though K & M have been dead dog sick this past week, they have not missed a day. I am also excited about some wall charts I am going to be ordering from Rose Publications. These charts will help us to keep straight the kings, prophets, times and places as we read through the old testament.
Our Korean students arrived on Monday and they did not have American names. After being told by their teacher to pick American names, they proceeded to not pick names. So I named them. They are Rachael and Sara. They seemed happy with their new names. They have been very quiet and seem to be enjoying America, even as we are enjoying them...

I cut my own hair. And believe it or not, I don't think it looks too bad. Tell me what you think the next time you see me, but only if you like it...

David saw his new DR on Monday and I really felt like she is a much better choice for us. She seemed very eager to help us get some things that David needs: Speech Therapy and a referral to the audiologist. David was also very happy to return to school this week. We both really enjoy him going to school!

Please pray for me & Allison. She has such a bent toward causing trouble and being, shall we say, "not nice". I love Allison to pieces, really I do. But I am blue in the face with trying to tell her the right way to behave. It is truly a humbling time for me as a parent. I cannot excuse her behavior, nor can I or should I convince anyone that I am being a good parent. Allison choices are between her and the Lord. All I can do is guide her, love her, and pray for her. I see many wonderfully strong qualities in her and I pray that in time those strengths will be focused on living a life of passion for Jesus Christ. And, hey, she is an awesome artist too. AND she does magnifico Nacho Libre impersonations.

Ok, I think I am creatively blocked right now, so that's it. To ALL my loyal fans (Amy & Mom): ;) I love you & goodnight. Hug hug, kiss kiss, hug hug, big kiss, little hug, kiss kiss, little kiss.


  1. little hug, little kiss...Hey can you scan and post your L.A. times article?


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