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Why is it that we would rather grumble, wish and nag than pray?
Why is it so easy to manipulate circumstances, make suggestions, and criticize?
Why is it that a complaint comes running off our tongue and shooting out of our mouths literally days before we begin to pray, IF we even begin to pray at all?
Over the past several years God has patiently been discipling me in this Art:

Close thy mouth and start thou praying!

Now, mind you, I am a slow learner! And oh what a patient disciplier I have in the Lord Jesus.

I have found a wonderful ministry that monthly sends me a newsletter with pages of scriptural prayer requests that I can pray for those God has placed in my life. Click here to sign up for it yourself: Prayer Closet Ministry . The reason I love this ministry is because it is VERY biblical and all of the prayers are directly from scriptures and the verse reference is listed right along with each prayer. And you can't go wrong praying through the perfect Word of God!

This week my pastor: Jack Hughes, and his wife Lisa have been brought up before the Lord in my prayers because the title of this months newsletter was Prayed For or Preyed On? Why Should You Pray for Your Pastor? I also have prayed for our other pastors: Tim Carns, Ed Wilde & Brock Bolde. Also all our elders. Lastly, but certainly not least, my husband Tim. For every prayer that I prayed for these leaders, I felt compelled to pray for the leader in my home, my wonderful husband Tim. He is both Pastor and Elder in our home and certainly deserves the bulk of my prayers and petitions.

Here is a sampling of some of the things I am begging God for through the scriptures for the most important leader He has placed in my life:

Father, I ask that my husband Tim will daily pursue the filling of the Holy Spirit; I ask that he will walk & operate in the power of the Spirit (Acts 6:3; Eph 5:18)

Father, I plead that Tim will have a growing love & hunger to know & obey the word of God. (Psalm 1:2, 119:33,36)

Lord Jesus, I pray that Tim will be characterized by reliable & godly speech (1 Tim 3:8)

Lord, I ask that Tim will exhibit godly in every area of his life (1Tim 3:10)

Won't you join me in stilling thy tongue & entering into thy prayer closet? :)


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