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Turn Turn Turn

Sometimes the World gets it right. "To Everything (Turn, Turn, Turn) There is a season (Turn, Turn, Turn) And a time to every purpose, under Heaven" Proverbs chapter 1 has something to say about turning. Let me set the scene for you.   You are a child, you are wandering the noisy streets of the bustling city. You pass by marketplaces where vendors are peddling their goods.  "Buy this!  Buy that!"  "If you have this you will be happy!"   There is a loud din, it's the voice of the world and it is speaking.  Its message is loud and pervasive throughout the streets.  Temptation is lurking. Ambushes await and it is Oh So Loud.  Around every corner, there are people trying to gain your attention.  "Come with us....together we can commit this crime...." "We'll be rich.  You'll be famous..come...." But wait. There is a voice that rises above the humming din of sin. It is the voice of wisdom. Wisdom is crying out. She ...
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The Building that is our Family

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“Almost perfect… but not quite.”

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Maddie's Book Review : When People are Big & God is Small by Ed Welch

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Get Rid of Rough Heels: Thrifty Mom Style

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