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Rain in July? Memorial #1

Written on 7/23/07

Two nights ago before dinner Maddie and I were talking about how we missed the rain, and wished it would rain. Right before we began to pray she said "Mommy can I pray that God would make it rain?" I said yes you can, but Maddie, it probably won't rain. So Maddie prayed, "...and God can you please make it rain?" Tim and I told her don't be dissapointed if God doesn't make it rain, because it would have to take a real miracle for it to rain in the middle of July. God will probably answer your prayer with a no.

Last night while Kayla was taking out the trash cans, I felt a wet thing hit my arm. I looked up and saw nothing. I felt another, I said "Kayla I felt a raindrop! It is raining! Let's run to tell Maddie" All the way home (she takes the neighbor cans out) we felt drops, and I couldn't stop from tearing up and felt as if my heart was going to burst.

We celebrated in the front yard with the few sporadic drops of rain that were coming down. I told Maddie as I looked intently into her eyes "You remember this day little girl! God is real and he answers prays of little 8 year old girls in Sylmar, Ca "

Last night Maddie said "Mommy I am going to pray that God would make it rain more" I said "ok Maddie you pray that". She prayed that God would make it rain more and said "..and Lord, I would really light some thunder and lightning and can you make the electricity go out too?"

This morning I woke up (5:11) a full wet rain shower. I got maddie up and again my eyes filling with tears we celebrated in the front yard.

Mark 10:13-16) Then they brought little children to Him, that He might touch them; but the disciples rebuked those who brought them. {14} But when Jesus saw it, He was greatly displeased and said to them, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. {15} "Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it." {16} And He took them up in His arms, put His hands on them, and blessed them.

I hope you will all take a moment to rejoice with us, have your faith increased in the great, kind, compassionate God we serve, who answers the prayers of little girls in Sylmar, Ca. And please get some candles out because we might just loose our power today!

PS: In my life I have noticed that I need to bring every little thing I want and need before God. He is just waiting to say yes to them and it delights Him to give His children what they ask for, yesterday He brought me and Kayla 2 pairs of jeans for 20 cents a piece after I prayed for them, but that is another story..... :)


  1. hey i want to read more memorials :0

  2. Our God is so kind and tender. Although He is also just and holy, He definitely lets His tenderness shine through.


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