"Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves" ~~Jesus I talk a lot with my children. I talk with them in the car on the way to school. I talk with them, when they pass me in the hall. I talk with them when they come home from a friends house. I talk with them when they are bad & when they do good. When the "Cars" lunchbox we recently got started to show wear and the fabric was fraying & ripping, I gathered them around and I told them that every time someone tries to teach them that we evolved and elements & cells naturally order themselves together & produce good things over a lot of time, I tell them to remember this lunch box. Remember this skirt I bought you 2 years ago. Remember this rotting metal shelving unit at the 99cent store. Does the evidence point to natural ordering and improvement? When the radio program "Focus on the Family" airs a warning to parents to occupy...
I definitely need more spice in my foods than I used to. I am not sure if it happened when I got pregnant but I am always adding chili to food now. By the way I really like your new design on your blog with all the pictures. love you!