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Reforming Christian Judgmentalist

Hello, my name is Wendy and I am a reforming Christian Judgementalist. I say reforming, because I have not yet arrived at complete reformation in this area. We Christians are some of the most judgemental people I know! We lack love! Where is our love?!? Jesus said that people would know us by our love for one another. 1 John 3:14 "We know that we have passed out of death into life, because we love the brethren. He who does not love abides in death. "

Why is it then that most of my Christian life I have sat in loveless Judgement of fellow believers? I have excelled in Judgment. Judgment has abounded in my life. The moment I met any Christian, there it was. My righteous judgement. It just flowed out of me naturally as I sized up the 'godliness' of my fellow sister in the Lord. Here is a fictional but true to life way of how I used to think when I met a Christian woman:

Hmm, shirt is a little low cut. ungodly.
Did she just say 'Oh, my Gosh' or was it 'Oh my God'? She really shouldn't even say gosh, someone could mistake it for God. tisk tisk.
Oh, wait she is using a lot of Christian phrases, that's hopeful.
She asked her husband for permission to have my child spend the night, woah! very godly.
Oh, wait a minute.
Oh, wait.
I can't believe this.
She told me she has been worried about some test results.
Worrying is very ungodly.
Oh, look, here is one her her kids. Is that 'Pokemon' on his shirt?!? Pokemon? Oh come on, is this woman a Christian or not?
Did he just talk to her in a disrespectful way? Did you see that? He totally disrespected her and she ignored it. Heavens, this woman must be a baby Christian if she is even a Christian at all!! She could really benefit from my discipleship. Yeah, this woman needs my help!
What?!? She has fibromyalgia? Oh, come on! Everyone knows that is a code word for big time 'sin issues'. Fibromyalgia! Please! I can't beleive she told me that. I mean she just up and told me. Well, now it makes sense. Yeah, look at her hair. It is kind of matted in the back. Oh, there is a stain on her shirt.
This woman is down right lazy.
Yeah, she definately struggles with the sin of sloth.
Fibromyalgia indeed!
Wow, I will pray for her.
What a mess she is......

Have you ever thought this way?
Can you related to my horribly sinful habit of sizing up fellow believers?
As I walk away from this encounter, it seems blindly ironic that I am concerned about her sin. Who is truly in need of help in this situation? Who is living in a manner that would be putridly offensive to God, were it not for the blood of Jesus?

I know that no temptation I ever face is isolated to me alone. God's word says in 1 Cor 10:13 "No temptation has overtaken you, except what is common to man..." Christian sisters I am asking you to examine your hearts. See if you have fallen into this trap of self righteous spiritual pride.

Why do we do this?

Because we are sinners. You and me and the lady with the dirty shirt. We are all without hope apart from the saving blood of Jesus. All of us are equally failing to live up to the perfect standard that God holds out before us. Even after we are saved. Are we saved by grace and then sanctified by our own efforts and goodness?

Hello, my name is Wendy and I am a reforming Christian Judgmentalist...


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