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Annual Pismo Beach Trip

Sleeping Allison in the car. This is her classic car sleeping pose~ What a beaut, I am saving this one for blackmail later in life ;)

First stop: Mc Donalds where we used 3 buy one get one free coupons and it still cost us 13.00 to feed our family. No sodas, no desserts, just fat fried french fries and artery clogging burgers.

2nd Stop: Camp, where David poses with Nana and Papa .

David thoroughly enjoyed the beach. This is the first year he seemed to understand what was going on and was able to communicate his excitement to us. It was so fun!

Other beach beauties!

The fam at the tide pools in Pismo.

Really weird foaming crab. He just kept blowing these slimy bubbles at us.

We found a large piece of seaweed and made a rope swing/seat for David and Allison.

Our traditional stop at the Avila Beach farm where the kids get to feed the farm animals, and we get a little treat. We have been coming here for almost 8 years.

The kids rode and rode and rode their bikes. David did really well for his first time. He would say "More bish please! "

Maddie and Allison find saying goodbye so hard. See you next year!


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