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Okay, I got a really good deal today and I want to share it with all of you, whoever you are.... :)
I found a brand new Krups Convection toaster oven for 7.95 at a local thrift store. Whats really cool about it is that our toaster oven went out this morning. This thrift store, called Valley Thrift Store is so cool because they are so big and have so much stuff that you can pretty much just go out and get what you want when you want it for a good price. They only accept cash. They have daily specials like today for example: 1/2 off any items tagged blue, yellow or green. Be forwarned because parking is a huge problem. I wandered around for about 5 minutes before I could find a spot. Be aware of "no parking" signs.
Oh, by the way the toaster oven I got retails for between 99.95 and 129.95. Yipeee!!! What a deal!!
Another source for good food deals: Did you know that Smart and Final marks items that are close to their sell by date for 50% off and more? I was tempted to keep this secret all to myself, but I know the Lord would want me to sow seeds of generosity and not selfishness! I got 3 pounds of frozen baby green beans for 99 cents. 1/2 gal orange juice for 1.50. And a box of snack packs of cookies for 1.17. Worth taking a look at in you are in the neighborhood.
On a spiritual note something occurred to me the other day. It is something I don't spend enough time really thinking about. Here it goes:
Question: What is Jesus doing right now?
Answer: He as at the right hand of the Father, speaking to the Father on our behalf. Another way of looking at it is that He is praying for us. He is our mediator. How awesome. We have the God of the universe praying for us! What a deal!!


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